Well it's not a problem yet...but did it catch your attention?
Last year FUN experienced a shortfall in donations by 40% of what we had originally projected for the year! Now before you gasp, you should know that we didn't have to cut programs, personnel, or our quality due to this shortfall. This is thanks to the hard work of our Staff, Board of Directors, and Partners making sure we were able to survive years like this.
But just to reinforce that last statement, lets highlight some of our impact in the community:
We provided over 19,000 individuals with a 5 days supply of food through our food bank. That's over 285,000 meals, and roughly $500,000+ worth of food.
We distributed 3800 weekend packs to children who needed extra food during times they're not in school for a hot meal. That's another 11,400 meals.
This summer we've already distributed 396 meals with our summer meal program, and we've only been open since July 1.
This is why we're telling everyone now, at the start of our 2019-2020 fiscal year that we are trying to raise $45,000 in regular giving. Maybe that's 45 new donors willing to give $1,000 for the year, or 180 new donors willing to pledge $20 a month. No matter how you choose to donate, every penny makes a huge impact on how we are able to help those in need.
Hunger in our community is very real. Even as our media outlets continue to boast economic growth, families still continue to struggle. The AP news even put out an article regarding the decrease in June. The trends continue to point down in charitable giving too. Which is why it's even more important now that we do what we can as a community to support our programs.
HOW CAN YOU HELP? There are two ways!
Become a donor, even at $20 a month your donation can have a huge impact on the community. Seriously. Our administrative costs are only 7% meaning that $0.93 of every dollar donated goes to our programs and the families that need them.
Tell your friends about us! We don't have the budget or capacity to put up billboards or send out monthly newsletters. Our success is built on high standards of programming and community members like yourself taking an extra moment to share your love for FUN and the work we do!
If you do that, we'll continue to put out the content for you to share! We know FUN is important in this community, and we are so grateful for the support we already receive. So lets reach a little higher, and dig a little bit deeper to reach our fundraising goals for 2019-2020.