Summer Lunches
Summer Lunch Program
Service Temporarily Unavailable
Families Unlimited Network is dedicated to ending hunger in University Place and Pierce County. From June 17 to August 24, 2024, we served daily lunches, providing youth with access to nutritious meals every Monday through Friday over the summer.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our volunteers, local faith groups, and our partner, University Place School District #83, for their commitment to feeding students this summer.
Together, we served a total of 12,216 meals at four locations across apartment communities.
Stay tuned for next year's dates and times; we look forward to continuing our mission to support the children in our community!
Do I Qualify?
Location restrictions? Our services are open to anyone who resides in Washington State.
Income restrictions? We do not limit services based on income.
How do I register? No need to pre-register, just join us at our scheduled locations and times.
What documents do I need to provide? Nothing